I love beaver(s)! In Spanish we call them 'castores' (that's the plural) I used to watch a TV series documentary about them [and otters, and Spanish lynx] they were becoming extinct in Spain at that time at the beginning of the 70's. I think half Spain watched those documentaries and cried with me. Nowadays European beavers are back in almost full track mostly due to the defragmentation of the water systems in their habitats, a long process that is and will continue to happen. Like your book ;)

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yes!!!!!! the defragmentation of water systems - restoring flow to land and restoring flow to ourselves, it's all the same isn't it : ) I'm reading a lot about microbes inside of us and looking forward to sharing more about that soon too. What's happened to the land around us has also happened to the land inside of us -- but we can work to regenerate it all, like in your book : )

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"here I found the lucky quarter that turned my life around" ~ I want to hear that story!

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The lucky quarter is one of the major turning points in my bestselling memoir: The Rise and Fall of Jenny Goodguts ; ) (available on Amazon in print -- and as an ebook, partly due to your suggestion years ago now!!) An unedited and less clear explanation (and with none of today's hindsight) is here: https://jennygoodguts.com/2017/05/24/who-is-jenny-goodguts/

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So that's the rise of Jenny Goodguts. Now I'll have to get the ebook to read about the fall!

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or you could wait until you are back in the US and I will happily send you a copy of the paperback : )

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That would be wonderful, especially if the author signs it :)

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Stuffed! I remember you when it was just a wee idea and now it's grown to over 56,000 words. Congratulations Jennifer! I am excited, too!

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I love this Gail!! The perspective/reminding that at one time it (the book, Stuffed) WAS just a glimmer of an idea and, even thought it feels like that was a long time ago, it's come a long way!! Thank you for remembering this with/for me : )

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